Wyoming Bean Commission Accepting Nominations for Board Positions
January 18, 2023
The Wyoming Bean Commission is accepting nominations for the two (2) grower members and one (1) handler member. Each position is a four (4) year term
The grower positions may be filled by any Wyoming resident that has grown, or caused to be grown (including an owner and tenant jointly or a partnership, association, corporation, cooperative, trust, sharecropper or any other business unit, device or arrangement), dry edible beans on one (1) acre or more in Wyoming for the past two (2) years and paying the dry bean assessment on the same.
The handler position may be filled by any person, no matter where they are located, who is engaged in the buying, selling, shipping or distribution of dry beans grown in Wyoming, which he/she has purchased or acquired from a grower or which he/she is shipping on behalf of a grower.
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for one of the open positions as listed above please do so by sending a written request by mail to the Wyoming Department of Agriculture main office at 2219 Carey, Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82002 or by email to wyobean@wyo.gov.
The Bean Commission is comprised of six members appointed by the Governor. Four members are growers, and two members are handlers with facilities located in Wyoming. One member must reside in Laramie, Platte or Goshen County, Wyoming. The Bean Commission is funded through assessments collected on dry bean sales and is housed within the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. The commission meets no less than two times each year and keeps a permanent record of its proceedings. It also reports its activities to the Governor and Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands, and Water Resources interim committee. Along with this, the commission may conduct or contract scientific research, disseminate information on dry edible beans based on research, study state and federal legislation with respect to matters concerning the dry edible bean industry, appoint advisory groups, make grants to research agencies for financing special or emergency studies, and a variety of other activates.
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