Notice of Intent to Amend Rules and Regulations - Chapter 14: Predatory Animal Control Regulations
August 24, 2022
The Wyoming Department of Agriculture is proposing to amend its Chapter 14 Regulations.
Current Chapter 14 rules conflict with the limits of the federal agencies’ respective authorities. The amended rule will allow pilots to be compliant with the terms of their permits, and the new rule will more closely align with the reporting requirements of the Federal Airborne Hunting Act.
Public comments on the proposed regulations may be submitted by 5:00 pm on or before October 5th, 2022. A public hearing will be held if requested by 25 or more persons, by a governmental subdivision, or by an organization of 25 or more members.
Written comments or a request for a public hearing may be addressed to: Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Attn: Jerry Johnson, 2219 Carey Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82002.
To obtain a copy of the proposed regulations, interested parties may contact Jerry Johnson, Predator Management Coordinator, at or at 307-777-6781.
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