If you are a producer in crisis, or know someone in need of immediate assistance, contact 988 or 911.
Get Help
Everyone experiences stress. Stress can manifest in many different ways and have an impact on your physical health. In difficult times, you might need extra help managing your stress.
Family Support
Stress impacts everyone in the family. Click here for resources that can help for several family members through difficult times.
Help Someone
If you know someone in need of help, these resources can help you identify the symptoms and risks so you can help them find the help they need.
Other Resources
Stress comes in all forms. These resources will help deal with some of the other issues that may be affecting producers and causing stress.
Wyoming Ag Stress Numbers
Find a Mental Health Provider Near You
Wyoming Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988
Crisis Text Line - 24/7 Support - Text "WYO" to 741741