Wyoming Bean Commission
The Bean Commission was formally established in the 2015 Legislative session and is initially appointed by the Governor. The Bean Commission is funded through assessments collected on dry bean sales and is housed within the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. The commission will meet no less than two times each year and will report its activities to the Governor and Joint Agriculture, State and Public Lands, and Water Resources interim committee. Along with this, the commission may conduct or contract scientific research, disseminate information on dry edible beans based on research, study state and federal legislation with respect to matters concerning the dry edible bean industry, appoint advisory groups, make grants to research agencies for financing special or emergency studies, and a variety of other activities.
WBC Regular Meeting Resolution 2-6-25
All of the following forms must be completed in order to receive a refund
Assessment Refund Application - W-9 - Wyoming Vendor Management Packet
For questions regarding the Wyoming Bean Commission,
Please Contact:
Dale Heggem, 307-640-1806 or 307-777-7324
Member / County / Title
Dale Heggem / Goshen / Ex-Officio Member - WDA Designee
Beau Fulton / Park / Grower/Chairman
Jeff Chapman / Goshen / Handler/Vice-Chairman
Cortney Allen / Big Horn / Handler
Wayne Hort / Goshen / Grower
Jerrod Lind / Platte / Grower
Pasquel Aguilar / Big Horn / Grower