Technical Services Publications
Publications Available Online:
- Agricultural Statutes as they relate to the Technical Services Division:
- Aerial Hunting Regulations
- Apiary & Leaf Cutter Bee Statutes
- Commercial Feed Law
- Fertilizer Law
- Grain Warehouse Law: Buying, Selling, and Storing Grain
- Livestock Remedies Law
- Nursery Stock & Greenhouse Law
- Pesticide Law
- Predatory Animal Law
- Seed Law & Regulations
- Weights & Measures Law
- Brochure: Dealing with Wolf Predation on the Ranch
- Wyoming Agricultural Statistics
- Results of Colony Collapse Disorder Survey
Forms & Applications Available Online:
- Aerial Hunting - Gunner
- Aerial Hunting - Pilot
- Aircraft Licensing - Aerial Hunting and Pesticide Application
- Apiary Registration
- Establishment Licensing
- Product Registration
- Weights & Measures Registered Service Technician
Publications Available by Mail:
- Brochures, Statutes, and Regulations
- Plant Industry: Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee, Apiary, Commercial Feed, Fertilizer, Grain Standards, Grain Warehouse, Livestock Remedies, Nursery Stock, Pesticide Applicators, Pesticides, Potatoes, Seed
- Predatory Animals: Aerial Hunting, Animal Damage Management, Predatory Animals
- Brochure: Dealing with Wolf Predation on the Ranch
- Weights & Measures: Registered Service Technician, Weights & Measures, Brochure: How to Avoid Getting Burned When Buying Firewood, Brochure: Fuel for Thought - Getting What You Pay for at the Gas Station
Resource & Training Manuals:
- Livestock Protection Collar: Available at classroom training only
- Small Animal Control
- M-44