Retail Food Inspection Database
Click HERE to view the retail food inspections
The Consumer Health Services Division of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture conducts inspections of retail food establishments throughout Wyoming (where there is not a local health department who does inspections) to help ensure safety of Wyoming residents. As part of this process, the WDA conducts at least one inspection per year of retail establishments across the state based on their risk factor. In this database, you will be able to see routine inspections of establishments the WDA inspects in Wyoming. It is ONLY routine inspections and DOES NOT include follow up, or other types of inspections. Below you will find some helpful information to better understand these reports as you read them.
Retail Establishments: This includes grocery stores, restaurants, schools, convenience stores, hotels (continental breakfast), bars/taverns, and institutions.
How to read the inspection report:
- IN = Compliant
- OUT = Out of Compliance (Violation)
- N/A = Not Applicable
- N/O = Not Observed
- COS = Corrected on the Spot
- NC = Noncritical Violation. Non-critical violations are not directly related to the cause of foodborne illness. However, if they are uncorrected, they could affect the operation of the facility and lead to critical violations
- C = Critical Violation. Critical violations are those food handling practices that, when not done properly, are most likely to lead to foodborne illness.
Finally, a major component of an inspection through the WDA is not only making sure establishments are compliant, but to educate during the inspection. Education during the inspections helps employees maintain compliance throughout the year.
WDA Complaint Hotline
To voice a concern or complaint about WDA programs, please call the WDA hotline at 888-413-0114.
WDA Complaint Hotline
To voice a concern or complaint about WDA programs, please call the WDA hotline at 888-413-0114.